久楽庵 久楽庵

登録有形文化財 茶室「久楽庵」。大田区久が原の台地に建ち、木造平屋一部二階建ての母屋と、別棟の小間の茶室「香積庵」の二棟で構成される数寄屋風意匠を備えた和洋折衷住宅。

The Kazue Residence is a wooden single-story, partly two-story house with a basement. Built in 1939 in Kugahara, Ota-ku, Tokyo, it has a Spanish-style exterior but an authentic sukiya-style interior, blending both Japanese and Western architectural styles.
Despite being built during WW2, the high-quality materials used in its construction and the excellent craftsmanship of the builder has allowed this sukiya-style residence to retain its original appearance without major alterations to the interior or exterior. The architecture, including the Kouseki-an tearoom and the garden, which were later additions, shows many different faces from season to season.